
Late in December of 1984, it was announced that Medford was planning a year long celebration in honor of its 100th birthday.  A Medford Centennial Committee was formed and Fred Spiegelberg, legendary Medford Football coach was named general chairman.  On impulse, I called “Spieg” and offered my services, never dreaming that this call was leading me into the most interesting, exciting, worthwhile project which I have ever participated in.

The last big event of the centennial celebration was to be a sports banquet, most fitting for such an athletic-centric community as ours.  I became chairperson of this committee, made up of an outstanding group of people whose names are listed below.  It was decided that a most befitting way to honor sports in Medford would be the establishment of a Sports Hall of Fame.  After receiving close to 300 nominations from the public, a special screening committee (outside of our general committee) selected 100 inductees in recognition of our 100 years.  I began collecting pictures, statistics and other information with the much needed help from Spieg, John Snider, and Russ Brown.  It’s worth noting, no write up can come close to doing justice to this fine selection of Medford athletes, but personal bios on each athlete has fallen together and will hopefully allow you to feel as proud and as close to these Charter Members of the Medford Sports Hall of Fame as we have come to feel.

Plans are to have an induction class every 5 years.  We would like to recognize Mr. Prink Callison, Medford coach of the mid and late twenties, as he gave us his most invaluable scrap book along with the watch presented him by his Championship team of 1928.  It is our hope that we will some day have a “home” to properly display these priceless gifts and other memorabilia which we hope to gather in the future.

Congratulations and many thanks for your contribution to Medford Sports!

….. Tommie Swoap Smith,Chair Medford Sports Hall of Fame - 1985


Celebrating Medford’s Sports History

The Medford Sports Hall of Fame was created in 1985, the year the City of Medford was celebrating its Centennial year.  Its purpose is to honor the careers and community impact of the athletes, coaches and special contributors who have helped establish the rich tradition and unique history of Medford sports.  Community support, both past and future has always been and will continue to be an important partner of this Hall of Fame to ensure Medford’s wonderful sports legacy remains vibrant and memorable sports careers will continue to be recognized so Medford’s tradition of excellence remains strong and lasting.

1985 Charter Year Committee

  • Co Chair: Fred Spiegelberg
  • Co Chair: Tommie Swoap Smith
  • Mark Bayliss
  • Bruce Kellington
  • Russ Brown
  • John Lowry
  • Dick Entinger
  • Linda McWatters
  • Ben Fagone
  • Scott Spiegelberg
  • Greg Gandee
  • Evelyn Watson
  • Jane Horton
  • Pat Watson
  • Kathi Joy
  • Dick Wray

2022 Hall of Fame Committee Members

  • Chair Emeritus: Tommie Smith
  • Board Chair: Dick Entinger
  • Lt. Kerry Curtis
  • Demi Desoto
  • Kris Henry
  • Craig Knips
  • Angie Miller
  • Gary Miller
  • Dennis Murphy
  • Rich Rosenthal
  • Chuck Ross
  • Sandi Sherman
  • Raul Woerner